Prayer Chain
This phone ministry was initiated by Marge Harr and has been continued under the direction of several members of the church, most recently by Rosemary Edwards. Kim Roble is the new coordinator for our Prayer Chain.
Prayer requests are directed to the church office or to Pastor Jim. These prayer concerns will then be given to Kim Roble who will activate the Prayer Chain.
Anyone wishing to be involved in this ministry may contact the church office at 935-5451.
Thursday Morning Prayer Group
This group currently meets at 10:00am every Thursday in the Church Library to pray for special requests along with prayers for our Pastor, our Church and our world. The group currently following the ACTS formula for prayer (Adoration, Worship, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication), but is open to other opportunities as well.
We incorporate the weekly prayer requests presented in the bulletin and those contributed during worship into our ongoing list of needs and concerns. Confidentiality is a priority. Requests may be placed by contacting the office.
Anyone is welcome to join the group at their weekly meetings!
Pastor’s Prayer Group
Every other month on a Sunday afternoon, the Pastor’s Prayer Group meets to talk about and pray for the concerns of the pastor in his ministry of the church, along with the prayer concerns of the group. Confidentiality is crucial for this group. If anyone would be interested in learning about this group, he or she may contact Mary Ellen Schultze on our “Contact Us” page.